Patents & Foundation
of Knowledge
“There has never been a natural way to control the very starting point of obesity itself... hunger and our compulsion to overeat.”
Dr. Gregory Sadkhin
30 Years
Time-Tested and Growing
For over 30 years, Sadkhin has been helping people lose weight. As featured on Fox, NBC, ABC, Bloomberg and many more, the program offers an ALL-NATURAL PATENTED approach to hunger control.
Discoveries and Inventions
US PATENT #US9931272B2
Method for reducing a person's weight through hunger control
The Nobel Prize
Physiology or Medicine
Ivan Pavlov
Physiology of Digestion
The work of Ivan Pavlov served as the foundation from which began science of behaviorism. Specifically, Pavlov's work encouraged people to stop and think how to correctly use behavioral modification to improve health and thus increase lifespan.
The Nobel Prize
Physiology or Medicine
Ilya Mechnikov, Paul Ehrlichy
Ilya Mechnikov won the title of "father of natural immunity." He devoted the last decade of his life to investigating means of increasing human longevity and advocating the consumption of lactic acid producing bacteria, which is heavily found in yogurt. He also studied and named the process of Phagocytosis, which was the foundation of another Nobel Prize won in 2016.
It has been proven that calorie-restricted diet achieves radically extended mean and maximum life spans, along with a delay of age-related diseases.
The Nobel Prize
Physiology or Medicine
Yoshinori Ohsumi
Mechanisms of Autophagy
SadkhinTherapy® main focus is increased longevity with a natural benefit of weight loss and improved health.
It has been proven that calorie-restricted diet achieves radically extended mean and maximum life spans, along with a delay of age-related diseases.
The Nobel Prize
Physiology or Medicine
Jeffrey C.Hall, Michael Rosbash,
Michael W.Young
Molecular Mechanisms Controlling the Circadian Rhythm
Obesity, diabetes, and other metabolic issues are among the many conditions that appear to be linked to irregular Circadian rhythms. A direct link was discovered between disruption in circadian cycles and aging.