What Is It?
It’s time to stop blaming yourself for that extra fat you gained

Two Tiny Spheres That Make
a Giant Difference
Sadkhin Method® attacks the problem of obesity and excess weight at its source: HUNGER. This unique, non-invasive weight loss solution works seemlessly on your body without your active participation. Stop thinking of liposuction, conventional diets or even a surgery! Those expensive and time-consuming solutions may also work, but why would you need them if with SadkhinTherapy®, you achieve steady weight loss of 20-25 lbs. on a monthly basis without risky invasive methods or lifelong diets?
For over 30 years Sadkhin Weight Loss Centers have been known across United States to practice the only natural method (The Sadkhin Method®) for achieving complete Hunger Control and introducing hunger management as a main element for natural, fast, and completely safe weight loss. Sadkhin Method® implements the use of 16 biologically active points (Sadkhin Points®) through a technique called chrono-stimulation to effectively reduce hunger, dissolve fatty tissue, and maintain long-term weight loss results and wellness. In order to provide the body with proper nutrients to sustain a healthy function, we have combined our method with a specific food plan consisting of fruits, vegetables and dairy or lactose free alternatives that include many options for Vegans.